Mark of Distinction

believes that ALL of our experiences are for the intentions of why God created us. am in love with Jesus and my husband of 30 years.adores 3 grown children, daughter-in-law and mentoring younger women.seeks to show the love of Christ to all a traveler, dreamer and the Word.a favorite is Prov. 16:31: "Gray hair is a mark of distinction, the award for a God loyal life." settles the case when i struggle with my pre-mature gray hair.

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Location: Ohio, United States

my life is a tapestry. i have worked as a swim instructor, engraver, secretary, accountant, midwife. the most important jobs i've had is that of being a mother, wife and grandmother. i love people and hold friendships in high esteem. i live in the house i grew up in. i have a twin sister, an older sister, a younger sister and an older brother. my mother is still living and i have the best in-laws anyone could ask for. i am a princess in my Father's household. i have known Him for 40 years. He has been my Lord and Master the last 26. come to think of it, all you need to know about me is that i'm a sinner, saved by grace. PERIOD!

Thursday, July 28, 2005


Sometimes, my mind flitters about;
much like dandelion seeds do when blown in the wind.
I have a difficult time focusing
and getting my thoughts in submission to my heart.

I wish I could immediately jump into the spirit realm and find You, Lord.
Occasionally I have to go through an intense maze
before I find myself in Your throne room.

I’d like to blame it on this thing called morning.
Maybe it’s a lack of caffeine.
Maybe I lost too many brain cells in my earlier years.

Whatever the reason,
I’m so thankful that You are patient enough
to wait on me to get it together.

Thank You for shining the light of Your love
and gently calling my name
until I find my way through the thick, morning fog into Your open and loving arms of amazing grace.